Want to buy account with "known" friendslist


Looking for account with the clans eRa, Dare, SoaR, Obey, Genesis added i dont just want like 1 or 2 added i want like a friendslist full of legit known people. If you have anything like this hmu with a price
Im not sure how much itd be worth though tbh sp just hmu
Someone on here owned FaZe Av*at* I'm sure that has a lot of clan snipers on it's FL.
Agony said:
Someone on here owned FaZe Av*at* I'm sure that has a lot of clan snipers on it's FL.
I know i just dont want to buy a FaZe gt for 150$ just because i want the friends list
Event said:
Looking for account with the clans eRa, Dare, SoaR, Obey, Genesis added i dont just want like 1 or 2 added i want like a friendslist full of legit known people. If you have anything like this hmu with a price
Im not sure how much itd be worth though tbh sp just hmu

i was former era i have l7 nerds and era and dare and 3 faze members added add my kik if interested in buying this account i quit playing my kik is ovo_tris
Feral said:
i was former era i have l7 nerds and era and dare and 3 faze members added add my kik if interested in buying this account i quit playing my kik is ovo_tris
Kikd you reply asap thanks (25charactersniggy)
Agony said:
I suggest using a middleman if you deal, especially over kik. Get onsite PMs.
For sure if i ever do a big deal ima use @beam cause i heard hes a really good mm
Agony said:
Yeah. Zeus and I also have a thread, however @Beam is very good as well.
Oh shit XD didnt notice you were a mm i'll keep you in mind
Event said:
Looking for account with the clans eRa, Dare, SoaR, Obey, Genesis added i dont just want like 1 or 2 added i want like a friendslist full of legit known people. If you have anything like this hmu with a price
Im not sure how much itd be worth though tbh sp just hmu
Solstic* Skr**
former Dare and more
youtube was /5kree

whats ur kik? 25charsareso annoying
@event i have an account that a former soar member was i have a nice 3 char on it got apex added ziimer miicz and other hella know people from back in the day let me know one of the beet known accounts you will see out there!
I don't understand why you would be bothered in this. It's like if you were on their friend list and you were fan boying them it would be insta delete. Only way to talk to them is if you know them. Apart from that your just going to look at them on your list.
The Host said:
I don't understand why you would be bothered in this. It's like if you were on their friend list and you were fan boying them it would be insta delete. Only way to talk to them is if you know them.  Apart from that your just going to look at them on your list.
it is pretty dumb but I'm sure he has his reasons and when other people look at his friends list they'll think he's hella known
Raf Simons said:
Solstic* Skr**
former Dare and more
youtube was /5kree

whats ur kik? 25charsareso annoying

Youre not skree dont impersonate i watched thrax skree all the time nig
Good luck finding one of these, I'd sell to you but I don't deem you trustworthy.
Elk said:
Good luck finding one of these, I'd sell to you but I don't deem you trustworthy.
"I dont deem you trustworth"
1. You can use a middleman
2. You joined August 2015 and youre probably a multi