What 99s have you got?


User is banned.
That YOU GOT 1-99, doesn't matter if you botted it but if you bought the account at level 2 fishing and you got it to 99, doesn't count.

On all of your accounts.


99 attack (1 time)
99 strength (2 times)
99 defense (1 time)
99 hp (1 time)
99 fishing (1 time)
99 mining (1 time)
99 firemaking (4 times)
99 cooking (1 time)
99 Theiving (1 time)
99 fletching (2 times)
99 hunter (3 times)
99 magic (1 time)
99 prayer (a long ass time ago, 1 time)
99 range (1 time)

Most of them where on my maxed main before summoning (126 combat). That I have no idea what happened to it, think it got banned. I quit runescape right after maxing it (24/7 botted it) and came back 3 years later. No idea user + pass >.<
You can't remember the username for a maxed main?
the_lol said:
You can't remember the username for a maxed main?

It wasn't my main, it was my suicide account that jagex failed to ban.

And yes, I can't remember it. I'm mad, I was like 8 when I started it and like 10 when I finished it :(
NickVsYou said:
You don't forget about a maxed main


Gee, I do. I was fucking 10, you expect me to have a 16 year olds brain? Nope.
I have none too, just 1 hour and my thieving level, levels to 99. ;D
Carbon AutoThieving Guild.
On my main, I have...

Attack, Strength, Defense, Hitpoints, Magic, Cooking, Fletching, Thieving, and soon to be Crafting.
Just got 99 thieving, now getting 99 str. 91 so far.
Everyone knows that it only matters if you have all the 99s on one account.