What 99s have you got?

Sorry offtopic but your "Avatar" really disturbs me rofl :p my eyes get confused! :p and yeh ive hadd -

99 fishing
99 Wc
Got banned on maxed initiate pure, these are the ones I can remember from that acc: (100% botted :L)

Maxed Combat(Attk,Str,Rang,Magic,Hp)
99 Hunter
99 Construction
99 Cooking
99 Firemaking
99 Fletching
99 Woodcutting
99 Crafting

Got banned when I was doing 99 smithing (Came to 87 then I met the mighty banhammer)

I got banned in 07', then I quit and came back in 09' november. Found out that I could buy my acc back, but they didn't send me a message :'( :'( :'(

Right now I have:

Attack (x1)
Strength (x2)
Woodcutting (x1)
Firemaking (x2)
Fletching (x1)
Thieving (x1)
Magic (x2)
firemaking x2
cooking x1
attack x1
strength x1
defence x1
hitpoints (constitution) x1
i hope your ready to be amazed!!

99 Cooking (6 Times :3)
99 Summoning (1)
99 Fletching (1, at 93 on the acc im doing now)
99 Mage (1)
99 Prayer is a big achievement, how much money did you spend on it?

Ontopic: I've had 99 woodcutting 3 times, fletching once, firemaking twice (Don't be hating, i'm just lazy :p)