What do you look like? #2

Living the tumblr lyfestyle

i am anonymoose
I forget what I look like doing a half cab so I did it again

Also Still a skin head broskis
Bumping this because you cuties need to post.
For the new, posting your pretty face here, gives you an easy award ^^
@Homie if that is actually you, you've got nice hair!
E‌‌ said:
This is a fresh one today for my cheese award!


I can tell you're a scot ;)

hehe, I'll likely do this sometime this year.
E‌‌ said:
@random I don't know if your been sarcastic but I'm not Scottish pmsl.

I'm joking fam <3

I don't like scottish people.

*sigh* no longer anonymoose.


*please note, it's a shit picture.. so don't hate*
Random said:
I'm joking fam <3

I don't like scottish people.

*sigh* no longer anonymoose.


*please note, it's a shit picture.. so don't hate*

Thats actually almost what I pictured you to look like just by hearing your voice on the sexbox
Darth Vader said:
Thats actually almost what I pictured you to look like just by hearing your voice on the sexbox


there's a better picture I took earlier today hehe.