What do you look like? #2

look at your own risk.

I realize the last picture I took may have looked a tad weird.. here's another more recent.
Beats said:
Here I am looking like a thug


Here I am taking a picture with my beautiful iPad mini


Here I am 8 shots deep :p


Beats be looking like Jimmy from Gta 5;)
Pun said:
look at your own risk.

That is absolutely not the way I pictured you to look, Drew! I thought of you as dark and semi-tan, with the old JB hair!
Michael said:
That is absolutely not the way I pictured you to look, Drew! I thought of you as dark and semi-tan, with the old JB hair!
Oh well, okay. I'm not sure if that's a complement. I am happy I don't look like that though.
How do I post a pic of myself on this post???
User said:
Eye brows the ForuM. You are all pretty.... fuckin' gnarly.... & awesomely beautiful. :D

just because I got into a street fight the other day.


Streets are rough in Chiraq aye? haha
Here I am, description of me below... Enjoy guys ;)


Bowlcut, sketchers, fake gold, acne, fatass, and freckles.
Sexy right?

I got my hair cut shorter not long ago. The note in the background? Yeah, don't know really. One of my grandparents apparently likes to do this for remembrance.
bumping this to to top, I wonna know what you niggas look like