What excites u most about the New Xbox One Update?


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For me, it has to be the ability to stream using Twitch.tv. I've been waiting for this feature to be released ever since launch, and now since it's here, ill probably be streaming games like Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 everyday until I just can't take it any more!

Post what excites u below!

BTW, if you are interested in watching my stream, I will probably be streaming from about 12am-3am Eastern Time.

imn00bs's Xbox One Stream
I didn't even know that they were doing this! That is awesome!
I need an Xbox One :( I have money to buy, one but I've been scammed twice for an Xbox One :(
Devour said:
When does this update come out? Or is it already out?

Got a e-mail at noon from Microsoft saying that the update was out and what was in it. I won't be on my XB1 for about another two hours tho. I'll tell u once I get on!
I haven't really checked out any of the features. But I will definitely try livestreaming here soon.
Don't have xbox one anymore! but I thought the xbox one was very shitty
I'm just happy that party chats will work now. I'm not a professional gamer, nor do I pretend to be. Twitch.tv has never really garnered my interest.

Why is everyone hating on a God-tier console? I have the Xbox One and the PS4 (bought it for my fiancee), and the choice is obvious to me.