What Gamertag did you claim?

Lexi said:
Ohh my fucking god someone plz toss me a available gt ill give a 1 year

Wipe is avail if you want it lmao. Toss me a 1 year thnx
Satanism said:
Wipe is avail if you want it lmao. Toss me a 1 year thnx

It says taken. Idk if it's just me. Is it available for you??
Satanism said:
Wipe is avail if you want it lmao. Toss me a 1 year thnx
Wipe is taken. Please try another.

Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Toxic said:
Wipe is taken. Please try another.

Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.
Wipe is taken. Please try another.

keep trying ig still says avail for me
Well I ended up getting Rips. I'm most likely changing it again if the one I want becomes available.
Lexi said:
@satanism can u pm me some gamertags? plzzzzz

Keep trying wipe because it still says avail for me I just don't have $10 to claim it. I'll see what else I can find. Let me cop a 1 yr.

Toxic said:
there is still alot of time left

but it should have the random name on top.. right?

edit: fuck the other tags; i want my alias (its not doom)
Toxic said:
please tell me why the fuck its not available then.... idiot lmfao

Um you realize this isn't unheard of with tags? I don't fucking care if you believe me or not the tag says its avail for me if it doesn't for you then shot lmfao... idiot
Doom said:
but it should have the random name on top.. right?

edit: fuck the other tags; i want my alias (its not doom)
Dude don't worry. For 24 hours straight they're going to be releasing more unused tags. If the random name still isn't there that just means that they still have not reset it. The one I want still hasn't gotten reset either.
Lexi said:
ok find me another @satanism and dont let it sit cuz it wont let me claim

Like I said... I don't have the $10 to claim it. Refreshed page and its still avail. Try it on Xbox.com because its still working for me. I'll PM u if I find anything else