What Gamertag did you claim?

if we close cunts, hit me up ill add you

i got a nice tag for once woop
Toxic said:
it's 5:31 pm for me but still ive been trying for like 3 hours lol

its 10:37 for me. And i have an exam in the morning. GT>EXAM
Just thought i'd also state that there is almost 20 guests viewing. Meaning employees and shit could be scouting you.

beware, ya feel
Are they still releasing 2-4 letters or are they all done.
fuck this was one of they gayest things moving to ps4 got no tags and ditching all 5 of my tenures............................................................................................
Lexi said:
fuck this was one of they gayest things moving to ps4 got no tags and ditching all 5 of my tenures............................................................................................
Just buy the tags in the few weeks lol.

Oh, hi microsoft! I will be buying a gamertag in the future. You won't catch me :D
Hello am from Microsoft, I regret to inform that boasting about the size of your e-dick will get it chopped off. Thank you, have a nice day!
Fantasy said:
All I want is a tag. Just one. fucking. decent. tag.
Reserved shit is ridiculous.
Wait, what do you mean by Reserved?
Like I know a 2 char that isn't taken. But at the same time I can't claim it. When I search it up, it says some random XBL generated tag.
Lexi said:
fuck this was one of they gayest things moving to ps4 got no tags and ditching all 5 of my tenures............................................................................................
You are officially gay for even moving to PS4 it's wank