There have been analysts that have looked at a graph measuring tension (sort of) on the timeline of the world. There have also been real fortune tellers like Merlin that have predicted this. There have also been reports of many other fortune tellers/ sorcerors. These sorcerors have seen the end of the world, where volcanoes will erupt, there will be the world war with nuclear weapons.
people screaming and running, and etc.
The date that the analysts predict is when the graph stops and that is DECEMBER 21st, 2012.
I heard of that a year ago too on the History Channel, but then again you can't trust everything you hear or see. I was also scared after seeing this and now hearing about Indian bomb blasts, Gaza blasts, but we will have to see. Personally I don't think the world is going to end, ( I mean the world would be cracking or breaking apart a few years before the end of the world), but anyways you shouldn't worry yourself (for the possible last 4 years of your life). Now are you going to believe lunatics from the past (but they were right about predicting the WWII and WWI and other wars)?