What is the first car you drove?


I remember that I have a driver's license back in 1995 and I can not of course forget about my father's car, a Ford Fiesta of the 'year 1986 which had a 1100 cc displacement.
I remember with pleasure my first steps at the wheel with the car initially was a bit clumsy especially when parking.
Then step by step I gained experience in driving.
This vehicle held it until 2000, after that, because the conditions have changed.
I'm 26, so i got my first about ten years ago. It was a 1990 Jeep Cherokee. I had to turn the steering wheel about 45 degrees until it would actually change the direction of the car.
The cool thing about the car was that it had one of the old school mobile phones.
It was kind of like a bag phone without the bag. Instead of the bag it was mounted and it most definitely had a cord. It wasn't in service obviously but i kept hearing that it would still work if i dialed 911. I never did get crazy enough to test that out though.