What is the thing you miss the most about being a kid?


Active Member
Have you ever miss your childhood life?? me yes...sometimes i think that if i could turn back the time that i was a kid.
What is the thing you miss the most about being a kid?
Ah, I miss a lot of things about being a kid.

I miss the forgiving nature of everyone. Someone could piss you off and you'd get angry but then everyone would be playing together again 5 minutes later.

Kids are more honest too. They just tell it like it is and don't talk behind each other's backs. If you smell, they say, 'You smell'. That's it.

I also miss believing in anything. I think as you get older, you give in too much to society and everyone else. It robs you of opportunities because you think something is impossible. I miss the days when I truly believed that a fairy would exchange my money for a tooth and not question whether it's 'possible' or 'rational'.

A lot of people say I'm immature because of the way I act. However, I just think they're jealous because I do what I want to be happy and am still curious as a kitten. Haha. I think if people stopped worrying so much about what others thought, they'd enjoy life more. =)
belleangelbelle said:
There are lots of thing I want to go back as a kid. Like playing and not thinking of anything other than play and gifts. Lolz

I miss playing around with my cousins after school and during holidays or weekends. I also miss traveling with my parents and even attending kiddie parties where you get along to play with others. Most importantly, I miss hearing stories from my mom and my grandma. They read different books for me and even encourage me to read those times. I miss the innocence of my childhood days. Where asked a lot of questions and get something in return. I absolutely miss everything in my childhood...

(I miss being the center of attention every time I got my long name incorrectly spelled because everyone thought that I was smart but I could not just get my name right!)
arnelia said:
Have you ever miss your childhood life?? me yes...sometimes i think that if i could turn back the time that i was a kid.
What is the thing you miss the most about being a kid?

yes there are a lot of things i miss about being a kid. those were the days when exams were the only bigggest worries of life. I absolutely miss all those days when I used to run around the house freely and with not worries! i also miss my childhood friends, some of whom i don't know where they are now.
those were the times of my life. i miss and treasure them.
when i was a kid i miss my being crazy :D

i always go to computer shop even my mother said that i should stop using computer in my young age :)) but i can't stop myself to open a pc.

i missed when my mother always give me chocolates :)

really love that :))
I miss the innocence and that i was free minded and did not had any responsibility to think for,in my childhood.
I missed most for being a kid was playing with my childhood friend. She makes me laugh and talk new things. I missed also for being free from household cores such washing the dishes, clothes and ironing clothes.
arnelia said:
Have you ever miss your childhood life?? me yes...sometimes i think that if i could turn back the time that i was a kid.
What is the thing you miss the most about being a kid?

YES! I miss a lot of things about my days when im a kid... sometimes i wish i can turn back the time to be child again and correct the things i'v done wrong hehehe :Laugh:
Most of us think like that..I wish to go back to childhood and live without any worries for a week..Children are innocent they can live life without any worries..
I miss not worrying. When we were kids what we usually just think of sleeping, eating, playing and studying. We never thought of making a budget, looking for work and other adult stuff. Life was simpler then. We were simply satisfied with what our parents give us. Unlike right now we encounter a lot of things but as I might say, it is part of growing up and it's where we learn. This world works when we survive because we choose to,it's a dog-eat-dog world and the fittest survives the challenge!
I think its sleeping at night without worry like projects, the playing any game outside until night time and being unemployed is not a big issue
Yeah, I missed being a child. I miss those times that all of the attention is in me. I missed those times that my life is not so complicated. We just think of what will we eat, go to school and plays. I missed how me and my friends plays in our rice fields, climb on trees and going in river. It's really nice that I had a good memories when I'm still a kid.
what i really miss when i was still a kid is that they can do everything they want without thinking about others or what other people will say.. with my age now,, i have to live on people's expectations which is kinda tiring.. :Sad:
also, i miss the days when we have kid fight and we are so angry with one another saying "i'll never talk to you again!! " but after a while, you and your freinds will play again like something never happened... I miss those days.. :Sad::Tear:
I miss playing with my childhood friends, i miss being with them and i miss going to the park and play hide and seek..
The thing I miss most about being a kid was summer vacation. I used to love Summer Vacation and just relaxing
i missed my childhood life as i was very naughty on those days,allays stay out from home and played games with freinds,huh missing now those memories ,and never come back i know.
arnelia said:
Have you ever miss your childhood life?? me yes...sometimes i think that if i could turn back the time that i was a kid.
What is the thing you miss the most about being a kid?

Childhood is the best period of a person's life. I miss my childhood as I am haunted by carefree life and the affection of my parents during my childhood. The child has been described as the best philosopher and "an eye among the blind".
rose09 said:
Childhood is the best period of a person's life. I miss my childhood as I am haunted by carefree life and the affection of my parents during my childhood. The child has been described as the best philosopher and "an eye among the blind".

yes, because i miss playing with my father who past away... i miss being kid... i miss being who cared by you parents when your down and he/she carry you up...