What is your goal on Runescape?

To get billions of GP then sell it.
Yep i agree make real profits off of Rs profits :)
Great goals guys, good luck to you all.
I am trying to get as many 99s as I can before I get banned.
LOL, goodluck with that, im guessing your botting?
Well goodluck, maybe you'll get lucky and not get ban?haha
Make money.
but how do you make money? i just pk C: and buy rsgp..lol
Sexy said:
but how do you make money? i just pk C: and buy rsgp..lol

Best way to make money is through combat. Godwars and other bosses are probably the best moneymaker.
I play the dice game. Usually make about 3mil an hour.
O: i'll buy some gold, let me check our your thread c:
Goodluck with that O:
My number one goal is to get a party hat of any kind.