What Is Your Honest Opinion About Me?

I honestly don't know who you are, and I haven't really taken the time to introduce myself, and get to know you.

But from what I've seen so far, you seem like a HQ posting legitimate paedophile. (Don't correct my spelling, that is the actual spelling, not the internet spelling)

I wouldn't quite say you deserve a staff position, because I'd have to see more done from you for that.

Have a good RG time.
I like you, I've never talked to you properly, but I have nothing wrong with you..

And I wish I was around when all of you 'guys' (DrecliN and everybody else) were butt-buddies because I feel a little.. 'out' of this place :L.
George said:
I like you, I've never talked to you properly, but I have nothing wrong with you..

And I wish I was around when all of you 'guys' (DrecliN and everybody else) were butt-buddies because I feel a little.. 'out' of this place :L.
Thanks man :). I know what you mean its like you're outta the loop or somethin
I have no way to tell you this Pedo, so let me say this:

RG would be WAY worse without you :)

PedoBear said:
Thanks man :). I know what you mean its like you're outta the loop or somethin
No problem, and yeah.. There's a group of HQ (ish), funny-fucker people and i'm not in it :( :L
You're a serial killer.

You think you're out of the loop?
I don't get acknowledged for anything on here o_O
Ha, glad I gave you a laugh ^^,
Storm said:
You're a serial killer.

You think you're out of the loop?
I don't get acknowledged for anything on here o_O

Me neither.. That's my point :p
Ven0m said:
I have no way to tell you this Pedo, so let me say this:

RG would be WAY worse without you :)


Lol thanks man.
Inb4 that asshole Nestea sees this thread and talks some more shit.
I think you are a great guy, you are loving and caring in everything you do.

You rock, don't ever change.
Pretty cool that people think that good of you :)
Never really talked to you, but you seem to be a great guy.
Also welcome back!
Nestea said:
I think you are a great guy, you are loving and caring in everything you do.

You rock, don't ever change.

Although you were entirely sarcastic, I was expecting something along the lines of "Cares too much about rep."
Mike said:
Doet now :3, I'm waiting Mr. PedoBear.

What is this of which you speak??!
Dost thou speak blasphemies towards PedoBear??!!
o_O Completely read the thread wrong. Ur Mr.PedoBear what else more to say except nice.
Mike said:
o_O Completely read the thread wrong. Ur Mr.PedoBear what else more to say except nice.

It's cool it's cool, I forgive you. This ONE time. Haha thanks buddy.

But according to what I think about you, you're awesome, friendly, and very high quality of course. You've been here from the beginning and I'm excited to see what you can do for RG as I know you have good intentions.
I hope to boost the activity but we will see how I do, only time will tell if I will succeed or not.