What Is Your Honest Opinion About Me?

I honestly don't know who you are, and I haven't really taken the time to introduce myself, and get to know you.

But from what I've seen so far, you seem like a HQ posting legitimate paedophile. (Don't correct my spelling, that is the actual spelling, not the internet spelling)

I wouldn't quite say you deserve a staff position, because I'd have to see more done from you for that.

Have a good RG time.
I like you, I've never talked to you properly, but I have nothing wrong with you..

And I wish I was around when all of you 'guys' (DrecliN and everybody else) were butt-buddies because I feel a little.. 'out' of this place :L.
George said:
I like you, I've never talked to you properly, but I have nothing wrong with you..

And I wish I was around when all of you 'guys' (DrecliN and everybody else) were butt-buddies because I feel a little.. 'out' of this place :L.
Thanks man . I know what you mean its like you're outta the loop or somethin
I have no way to tell you this Pedo, so let me say this:

RG would be WAY worse without you

PedoBear said:
Thanks man . I know what you mean its like you're outta the loop or somethin
No problem, and yeah.. There's a group of HQ (ish), funny-fucker people and i'm not in it :L
You're a serial killer.

You think you're out of the loop?
I don't get acknowledged for anything on here
Ha, glad I gave you a laugh ^^,
Storm said:
You're a serial killer.

You think you're out of the loop?
I don't get acknowledged for anything on here

Me neither.. That's my point
Ven0m said:
I have no way to tell you this Pedo, so let me say this:

RG would be WAY worse without you


Lol thanks man.
Inb4 that asshole Nestea sees this thread and talks some more shit.
I think you are a great guy, you are loving and caring in everything you do.

You rock, don't ever change.
Pretty cool that people think that good of you
Never really talked to you, but you seem to be a great guy.
Also welcome back!
Nestea said:
I think you are a great guy, you are loving and caring in everything you do.

You rock, don't ever change.

Although you were entirely sarcastic, I was expecting something along the lines of "Cares too much about rep."
Mike said:
Doet now :3, I'm waiting Mr. PedoBear.

What is this of which you speak??!
Dost thou speak blasphemies towards PedoBear??!!
Completely read the thread wrong. Ur Mr.PedoBear what else more to say except nice.
Mike said:
Completely read the thread wrong. Ur Mr.PedoBear what else more to say except nice.

It's cool it's cool, I forgive you. This ONE time. Haha thanks buddy.

But according to what I think about you, you're awesome, friendly, and very high quality of course. You've been here from the beginning and I'm excited to see what you can do for RG as I know you have good intentions.
I hope to boost the activity but we will see how I do, only time will tell if I will succeed or not.
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