CSS and HTML are both languages, HTML is a mark-up LANGUAGE, CSS is a coding LANGUAGE.
See the language there?
See the language there?
No. CSS is for SuckersChromewolf said:Luak, you're wrong, HTML first is the basic of learning all Web Languages. CSS is used for making Game Trainers, You sir are wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong btw.
No. CSS is for SuckersChromewolf said:Luak, you're wrong, HTML first is the basic of learning all Web Languages. CSS is used for making Game Trainers, You sir are wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong btw.
Are you serious. CSS is not used to make game trainers. CSS is what makes a site look more aesthetically pleasing. CSS = Cascading Style Sheet. It's a style sheet which makes the interface prettier.Chromewolf said:Luak, you're wrong, HTML first is the basic of learning all Web Languages. CSS is used for making Game Trainers, You sir are wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong btw.
Are you serious. CSS is not used to make game trainers. CSS is what makes a site look more aesthetically pleasing. CSS = Cascading Style Sheet. It's a style sheet which makes the interface prettier.Chromewolf said:Luak, you're wrong, HTML first is the basic of learning all Web Languages. CSS is used for making Game Trainers, You sir are wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong btw.