What sports do you play?

I've been playing soccer since I was like 3 and I also play basketball, but I may consider playing soccer in college, although I may just focus solely on academics.
I skateboard. My favorite sport of all and I love it. Lol
Used to play hockey, and neighborhood basketball, baseball and all that, but nothing compares in my opinion. Just all around fun. :)
Soccer, martial arts, sailing, rugby, BMX :D All sports I enjoy doing and play competitively..
I play football and tennis at the moment, Looking to get into more sports though.
Hockey an soccer mostly but I'm pretty well rounded in any sport :)
I play lacrosse right now :D I used to wrestle and won states 3 years in a row but I quit.
I've dipped into almost every sport that has been available for me to play. I have played football, baseball, I've wrestled, etc.
In highschool I played football. Never really tried any other sport, if it was in gym class I have played it though. (soccer, lacrosse, baseball, etc.) When I was younfer I did three years of Little League Baseball lol I got to the Majors and topped after that. Think I was like 12-13.