What sports do you play?

I've been playing soccer since I was like 3 and I also play basketball, but I may consider playing soccer in college, although I may just focus solely on academics.
I skateboard. My favorite sport of all and I love it. Lol
Used to play hockey, and neighborhood basketball, baseball and all that, but nothing compares in my opinion. Just all around fun.
Soccer, martial arts, sailing, rugby, BMX All sports I enjoy doing and play competitively..
I play football and tennis at the moment, Looking to get into more sports though.
Hockey an soccer mostly but I'm pretty well rounded in any sport
I play lacrosse right now I used to wrestle and won states 3 years in a row but I quit.
I've dipped into almost every sport that has been available for me to play. I have played football, baseball, I've wrestled, etc.
In highschool I played football. Never really tried any other sport, if it was in gym class I have played it though. (soccer, lacrosse, baseball, etc.) When I was younfer I did three years of Little League Baseball lol I got to the Majors and topped after that. Think I was like 12-13.
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