What V1's have been reset?

Air Was Reset

thats all i know
The tag "Devious" was reset last april. I claimed it. Sadly It is now banned.
They are totally random.
Poop said:
lol i was friends with Nerd. I played gamebattles with him on Black Ops. Idk why his tag got deleted though, he was pissed.

I played the Nerd dude last summer in gears, dude got wrecked and quit lol. Sucks hard that he got his tag deleted doe
Simple said:
I doubt anyone will say. They want it to themselves.

I guess my main point of this thread was to see if v1's actually are being reset. To me it seems their are so many v1's that should have already been reset
Hey said:
Some that have and have been taken are: Bungie and Venom
They are hard to get since it's a random reset
Bungie was taken during the vulgar glitch and is banned.
Declan said:
Lemon is one.

I knew a guy who owned L e m o n, he changed it to Lemon after Lemon got deleted.

That was me. I had L e m o n, then a Microsoft employee stole it from me, or well, deleted it from me. So now the employee owns the original. Because Lemon used to be a v1. Fuck Microsoft. :(
Apock said:
That was me. I had L e m o n, then a Microsoft employee stole it from me, or well, deleted it from me. So now the employee owns the original. Because Lemon used to be a v1. Fuck Microsoft. :(

Small world lol. Sucks to hear that Microsoft was that greedy! Sweet tag for sure.
Microsoft will do stuff like that because they are dumb and only like themselves :p just kidding but that sucks to hear. Sorry
there had to be a legit reason. If there wasnt I would of called xbox and bitched so fucking hard @ them. Also v1s are normally set 7 years after last login or randomly by microsoft
The only v1's that have been reset are 7 characters and more. Everything else, was reset by a Microsoft member. There's also someone on TTG that can reset v1's, I'm not too sure if they work for Microsoft, though.

The 7 year thing, is also a lie. If that was the case, the short tags would've been reset first.
The only V1's that have been reset are seven character and above gamertags and ones that are used by Microsoft employees.