FPS are really good and mostly every FPS game have different type of guns. Sometimes in FPS feels like your are shooting in real.~Ace~ said:i like fps the most because i really love shooting games and they alway's have good guns.. and i want to be a army soldier (maybe not sure) but your college told some right words the games are just games you play and end it and you can start it again..
I like to play with some arena game like area 51 or halo 1.Melody said:Mostly MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Which mostly consists of Dota, LoL, and HoN.
Yeah the zombie game.I can suggest on of FPS game "Land of the Dead :Road to the fiddler green". It best FPS zombie game and i love to shot zombie people in head.kerex132 said:FPS here love to shoot people's head off