What's your age and how many girls have you fucked

Age: 6 years 9 months

Gurls: 6.9247

The sixth girl had no teeth and gave me a gummer
Age: 18

Girls: I lost count breh, some of them I was drunk and just got my dick wet cause I could, but there is some that are very memorable and the bitches was passionate about some dick ya feel me..

If I had to take a guess, I would say prolly around 3HUNNA

Girls: six hundred & sixty-six
Age: 16

Guys: 50 (maybe even higher lost count)
Girls: 1
Other: 12
Age: 18
Girls: 2
☔ said:
One of the few people who can take this place seriously. Thank you.

Nigga what? check the posts in this thread a lot of them seem legitimate? why do you determine his to be the only legit one @☔
Age: 11
Girls fucked: Too many to count.