Call of Duty What's your highest round? What map?


Power member.
I was just wondering, What's your highest round? What map? Mine is not very high, but my favorite map is Der Riese... Btw it can be in any Call if Duty
I think mine was like 29 on Der Riese, just remembered
42 on Kino on BO1. Me and my boy Talk frick stuff up! Yuh dig? Although my irl friend on WAW made it to round 99 on der riese or whatever the map is where when you first spawn, the pack a punch is in that area.
My highest overall is 69 on kino (stopped on purpose :p)

My highest in BO2 is 47 on Town (I quit because it was boring)
If you ever want to play zombies, just on me ;) we just might be able to arrange a game!
my highest round was 40 with 4 people on ascension & i havent played since ._.
With people: Round 45
Without people: Round 93
Glow said:
My highest overall is 69 on kino (stopped on purpose :p)

My highest in BO2 is 47 on Town (I quit because it was boring)

Haha nice job on round 69. Vouch for your statement as well. Zombies gets boring as hell on rounds 30+.
Nuketown: 27- Stopped on purpose(dinner)
Town-49- fucking Love Sosa was suppose to leave on the countdown to zero but he didn't and quit and so for some reason it didn't save
Die Rise- 24- 4 people took FOREVER(haven't tried 2 people)
Bus Depot- 27- fucking partner had 14 downs and I had like 2 legit downs
Tranzit- NA
Kino; 38 solo
Town: 36 2player
Die Rise: 70 solo (sliquifier galvaknuckles method) 31 2 player legit
Bus Depot: like 14 :(
Tranzit: 26 with Hash
Nuketown: 21.. with irl friend
Me and Quad got to round 40 on Kino on Monday and killed ourselves because if you can get to round 40 you can get to anyround and we got bored so we turned on the fire trap and cooked ourselves.

Tranzit - 26

Don't know my other stats.
i went up to round 30 on tranzit kinda solo two people left at like round 7 and the other person left at like 16
die rise is 28 solo
Der Riese BLOPS1 Remake-64.
Tranzit BLOPS2-75
Town BLOPS2-55
Farm BLOPS2-43
Die Rise BLOPS2-67

Zombies is better than online, so that's why I have high-ish rounds.
In WaW Ive gotten to round 75 solo on Der Reise, when the Ray Gun didnt suck cock....
Mine was Der Riese like round 60.
I don't go too hard. :#