Where to use AutoFighter Pro?


Onyx user!
I bought Autofighter Pro yesterday hoping to kill some rock crabs for some fast exp. I came to found out that it wouldn't work on rock crabs, idk if im using it wrong or what but I need a place to train. Anyone know some great spots for an account with 20 atk, 67 str, and 1 def pure can train at with the autofighter? It needs to be a spot where it can bank too. I'm still learning about it and idk if I can use it in the security stronghold, so idk if it can get stuck down there. Please help me
Yeah, both Perf Fighter and Auto Fighter Pro don't work at Rock Crabs because you have to walk next to them in order to attack them, which those bots don't understand. There's a bot specifically for Rock Crabs. Anyway, I would suggest doing the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest to get access to experiments. These yield really nice exp/hour and I'm sure Auto Fighter Pro should bank for you (at least Perfect Fighter does flawlessly). I'm not too familiar with Auto Fighter Pro as I've heard that Perfect Fighter was much better, so I can't tell you if it'll bank in certain locations however.
Fast Don said:
Yeah, both Perf Fighter and Auto Fighter Pro don't work at Rock Crabs because you have to walk next to them in order to attack them, which those bots don't understand. There's a bot specifically for Rock Crabs. Anyway, I would suggest doing the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest to get access to experiments. These yield really nice exp/hour and I'm sure Auto Fighter Pro should bank for you (at least Perfect Fighter does flawlessly). I'm not too familiar with Auto Fighter Pro as I've heard that Perfect Fighter was much better, so I can't tell you if it'll bank in certain locations however.

Quit lying to him, perfect fighter works on crabs. (Atleast it did like 2 months ago)
Automatic Coding said:
Quit lying to him, perfect fighter works on crabs. (Atleast it did like 2 months ago)

Mine didn't. It was having trouble with it. I probably had the wrong settings on though. It was crowded every world I went to and it would never pop the Rock Crabs even when I had "NPCs invisible on Mininap" selected.
AutoFighter works perfectly in the Stronghold. It goes through the doors and climbs ladders.
Ankous in the barbarian dungeon, good xp and money to, just have the bot pickup and bot the death and blood runes and other loot :D
Hope it helps
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Even though I'm not OP, they are helping me. I kill hill giants, but that is just for big bones. I'll switch to rock crabs or spiders, thanks.