Which 99 can i get?

I would but i don't have a house =p id need to get my construction up
i have a house with a boxing ring or whatever it called , but i'm not member right now , when you reach 99 tell me maybe i get a member ship.
There are several ways to get it up , a way if you want fast or you want exp or poor man ways

Follow this guide Here
99 Thieving cost me less than 1m and took 2 weeks
99 WC made me about 2-3m and took me 3 weeks
99 FM costs me about 4m using Maples
I don't fish or cook so I can't confirm on those.
I'm currently training Runecrafting, was 56 last week, current level is 80, and I have profited about 20-25m so far.
BlackRa1n said:
if you are using Rsbots.net bot , 20% you will get ban.

Actually in about a Month they are cracking down on those bots and tying to ban everyone that has used them ( It was in the P-Mod forums a few months ago) Im a former P-Mod, So this month steer Cleer of them and you wont be caught.

Cooking would be a good skill to have but really there is no point in Firemaking as it isent really of any use.

mikej said:
Cooking would be a good skill to have but really there is no point in Firemaking as it isent really of any use.


I have a feeling that Jagex will be doing a complete overhaul to it in the future.
I heard it was 7m for cooking, but it really depends on your level. I think you should get dungeoneering to 99, especially because of the extra floors added in the update
Once I get back into playing, if I have time, I'll look into getting my dungeoneering up. With LAX it is way too hard to find time.
I think cooking is the fastest 99. I'm not sure it took me awhile to bot 99 fm+wc.