Which game have you put the most time into?

I spent 70+ days on MW2 I love that game <3
The original blackops I had 17days of time played on it, me and a few friends no lifed that shit hahaha we were some of the first 14th/15th prestiges though (yes we were little bitches and did havana spawn trappin XD)
buut ya i was 14th with a 7.4 K/D and had all my AR's gold :)

Now I can't even play cod without getting bored as hell so i'm a BattleField4 phag :p

Edit: I may have had more time played on CoD4 not sure though as that account is long gone :(
Diamonds said:
Definitely Halo 3, it was the best game of all time.
You still play bro? If so hit me up :) I would love to play with you
I put the most time into mw2 and GTA V. I have 18 days played and am 9th level 70 (legit) on mw2, and on GTA V I'm almost completely through the game for the second time, because my old GT with 100% completion got banned :p
Attract said:
Competitive gamer? What team do you play on random?
I don't play for any known team but if you'd like I could smack you in a 1v1 on ghosts, random
Spiderman said:
I don't play for any known team but if you'd like I could smack you in a 1v1 on ghosts, random

oh shiittt it's about to go down.
I had like 14 days played on MW3 and was in the top 500 for demolition.
I've spent the time on all cods.
COD4: 24 days
Waw: 22 days
MW2: 15 days
BO1: 20 days
MW3: 30 days
BO2: 14 days ( Hated it)
Ghosts: 5 days, 6th prestige
These are all legit stats, no modding.
I have over 1000 hours on Garry's Mod. I LOVE Garry's Mod.
Mine would have to be Super Smash Bros Melee, that was my favorite game when I was younger.
Mine would be Call of Duty Black Ops II.
Most definitely Halo 3.
I'm a 5 star general with 10k+ XP.
Can't really say that I ever stopped playing it, Halo 3 has been a game that I always find myself putting into my Xbox.
MW2 for me probably too. I used to love it, but then the community ruined the games for me. Now I mostly play smite. :p
torn between Pokemon Ruby and MW3. many days played
Just shy of 900 hours on TF2. I quit playing a couple of years ago though.
As of right now I have 3221 hours played on my main World of Warcraft character.
Including my other characters I probably have about 3400 hours, which is the equivalent to 142 full days.

I only started playing this game a couple of years ago. That means over 24 months i've had almost 4.6 hours logged in per day.

I've also spend almost $600 USD on this game... woops.