Its not about who WILL be staff, its about who DESERVES it.Massimo said:No one on FK can be a staff member, no one actually goes by the rules they just go on what they believe is right which is a huge fucking mistake. Philly either needs to train every single mod/staff/admin personally, or hire a whole new fucking line up.
6ix said:Its not about who WILL be staff, its about who DESERVES it.
Massimo said:No one on FK can be a staff member, no one actually goes by the rules they just go on what they believe is right which is a huge fucking mistake. Philly either needs to train every single mod/staff/admin personally, or hire a whole new fucking line up.
Hat said:I honestly think i would be a good moderator, hell i'd be a GREAT moderator. I don't have a biased opinion on anything really, i just call em like i see em.
Jason said:Of course, everyone thinks that they would be a good moderator. Unfortunately, half of the members that think they're suitable for moderator couldn't uniformly organize a straight line, let alone help organize a subforum.
Uzi said:I deserve to become a moderator. I hope one day I can acquire that ranking.
Uzi said:I deserve to become a moderator. I hope one day I can acquire that ranking.
Rock said:Id say either Poop or Cole. I cant vot e cuz im not upgraded
Cole said:Well it is ultimately Philly's decision and most people on that poll aren't even in Envious yet.