Who do you consider a god of gaming?


Power member.
If you had to choose anyone, who would it be and why? Any game. Halo, CoD, Minecraft. etc.
Optic Bigtymer all day. He's won the most money out of anyone in Cod.
coL Crimsix, Karma, and Scump. They are both slayers, which is the role i try to play because i suck with an assault rifle and i do not like sitting in the objective 24/7
I would have to say Optic Nadeshot. I believe he is the best competition player.
Myself, although Cann!bal is trailing close behind. ;P

Really though, KYR Sp33dy or my buddy Weezy, he's fucking ridiculous at everything gaming. He'll play CoD and maintain his 7 KD + top SPM on all leaderboards (for all CoD games), then hop on Battlrfield or Homefront and fuck around keeping a 2-3 KD, then hop on Guitar Hero and play everything on Insane. Not to mention he aost never loses (unless he's 1v1'ing me). He's chill as fuck too. Haha
I choose myself lol idk ive never seen anyone whos a gamer for everything maybe a single game but not every genre
I think Parasite or Clayster are the two best players in CoD. They have the ability to break down every situation, think through the outcomes and make a decision based on their knowledge, all in a fraction of a second.
I haven't really looked at the CoD community for a while, but last time I checked it seemed that zzirgrizz seemed pretty good? I don't know to be honest, but yeah, Optic Predator and zzirgrizz.
Poop said:
Optic Bigtymer all day. He's won the most money out of anyone in Cod.
id like to know who told you that lol.

And i say FeaR assas1n (He was tank since CoD2 )
or Rambo
I would say myself I think I am a fucking beast at cod.
NotMikey said:
I would say myself I think I am a fucking beast at cod.

Not better than me. And definently not at cod4 :D.
zzirgrizz sniper trickshot yolo swag shooter 24/7 he hits Billy's all day doods ;)
OpTic Scumpy. In terms of gunskill and stuff he's a god.

Scump also has that deep game knowledge and awareness that pubstars will never have.
DO NOT compete with this guy
u\He will fuck u inside and OUT!!!
Pubstars are well known; Throwing C4s, prodigy nelson, hateful oK, birdman, mzgs