Who else came from OGU

This site been better since '11
Here! However, even if OGU comes back, I think I'll be staying here. OGU is.. Unnecessarily toxic.
If OGU ever comes back I'll most likely still use it to sell but not to lurk like I do on here.
Staff said it'll be back "tomorrow" yesterday & it's still down with no updates.

I really don't see it coming back up & if it does it won't be nearly as active as before. Everyone's already moved to other forums, servers ect.
Even staff are leaving the OGU Discord to avoid the bullshit.
This is where I got my start but I use ogu
Yep. I lived off of OGU for a year, now that it's down I need to find other forums to grow on again...
I used OGU off and on for a couple years. Recently tried to go back and saw it was probably gone forever lmao. Greg conviced me to join FK :p
Started with x6x > FK > HF > OGF > OGU/VERM > back to fk
Wasn’t active when I first joined which philly was owner but I’m active now and this will prob be my home for good I’m tired of starting my rep/vouches over
Started with x6x > FK > HF > OGF > OGU/VERM > back to fk
Wasn’t active when I first joined which philly was owner but I’m active now and this will prob be my home for good I’m tired of starting my rep/vouches over

Oh god getting banned thirty times on verm was fun.

Went from: HF/FK/Sythe > Verm > LSX > HF > FK
Now that Philly is gone it'll actually be a great site now that users aren't getting scammed and banned left and right by him.