Who owns this

The Host

Active Member
Who owns the tag I478

This guy use to add me on every single tag I had.

He sent me a friend request, I didn't respond , so he kept spamming me with messages like , accept , add me. I didn't even respond or even decline. The guy starts swearing at me loool
This kid is straight up annoying, he adds me twice a week lmao
Come on man you didn't have to make a thread about me and my main tag
Lmao, this kid tries to add every oG he sees & he's also very annoying like @Awful said.
Lol I remember he use to me annoy me back when I had Siberia.

And that was a long time ago , and his still doing this.
Alpha said:
I'm glad he hasn't found me yet lul, but if he does he's gonna catch the insta block real quick
Nigga said insta block LMAO! Anyways, I had this nigga blocked on like 6 different accounts. Either someone was telling him my tags to annoy me or this nigga was psychic. Once he finds you is over. Either block him or be annoyed forever.
Kids a nerd, he tried scamming me for a 3 char he got the meat though ;)
Joined party when he added me once and he's like 10 years old.

He adds me once or twice a week and just added me again about an hour ago lmfao
I just filed a campaign against him. Since his swearing lol for me not adding him.

File complaint should work. Since I get banned too much
He added me too. I am using a semi lol, not even a dope tag.
Luckily all of my tags are complete shit so I haven't gotten any f/r's.
I used to get kids like that all the time when I played, just block them and move along lmao.