who owns

Magic said:
I know that, he was talking to me on xbox and I want to know who he is.

I see he probably owns illega* and the other tag with the scream mask just a guess
Wow this tag is nice af hope you find the owner
@Ducks I am friends with nicer tags, but I was curious as he says he doesn't know what FK or HF is, seemed odd to me.
Trilogy said:
The only people who have played on sex were @Tiger @Myth and I. Pretty sure Tiger still has it if it hasn't gotten FNC'd yet.

Someone who I was in a party with yesterday mentioned you having the tag, not sure who it was cause I was jumping from party to party with loads of different people, the guy who I was speaking to said "he was on a new account and trying loads of gamertags and got this one" and claimed he doesn't know what FK or HF is?, perhaps someone just trying to stay low. Think he deleted me now anyway, his skype is biigdaddy99 if you recognize that?
@Trilogy I didn't believe that he just got lucky, I knew he had a FK or HF account, I showed him some mlg montage videos on skype but then he went offline and deleted me lol, thanks for letting me know anyway, pretty sure 'Rape' is frozen, im guessing his tag is gonna be soon?
Magic said:
@Trilogy I didn't believe that he just got lucky, I knew he had a FK or HF account, I showed him some mlg montage videos on skype but then he went offline and deleted me lol, thanks for letting me know anyway, pretty sure 'Rape' is frozen, im guessing his tag is gonna be soon?
Lol i removed everyone on it just to see how many people i could troll. But seriously 1 kid tried to pull my ip. And they fixed it now you can't claim vulgars anymore i think. So if mine gets fnc'd then :'(
@Tiger haha did he snatch your ip or nah? also did you like the video I showed you? lol
@Trilogy that sucks man, I heard 'bill gates' is gonna be FNC'd to haha, do they really care for that tag?
Trilogy said:
Niggas are savages for vulgar tags even smh
Imagine I get to keep sex. Everyone who had it would be salty
Magic said:
@Tiger how much do you think it would be worth if you get to keep it?
If I manage to keep it for 1 month prob $500 then 3 months like $2k
@Tiger yeah it would be worth like 2k if it was in the clear from getting FNC'd and on a fresh, but there are probably loads of turbos hovering around it so if it doesn't get FNC'd I would just keep it to yourself.
Trilogy said:
You buggin, it will never be swappable so it'll just get aids and end up being worth like $200.
How will it get aids if i never sell it lol. and @Magic you can't turbo fnc tags 
Magic said:
@Tiger I saw you got loads of friend requests straight away after people knew it was active "stop with the spam", lol

Fr's, Messages, Party Invs, Game Invites, Private chats literally as soon as i got on it the spam was unreal
Magic said:
I saw shit tons of OG's added you aswell, did you just accept everyone?
Yea then i was like lemme deleted people on it idk and shit which was 99% of the list. Like right now i have 35 pending Fr's