Worst Sport Created?

I don't think any sport is the worst sport, I mean.. if there is fans then its good to go lol.
Gymnastics is alright, I respect how fit you have to be to compete or participate.
But curling? How the hell is it an Olympic sport when you don't even have to be fit to play...
fucking stupid.
Joel said:
Hailzterina said:
In my opinion, it's probably Chess.

How isn't Chess a sport, it's probably the most popular mental sport there is.

I didn't deny Chess being a sport. I'm simply saying, Chess is the sport I dislike the most.
how can you hate pong its simply one of the best games out there, either ping pong or beer pong there both the BEST i wouldnt count it as a sport tho its more of fun party thing.
hey, don't hate! Beer pong is the shit... even when you lose, YOU WIN! (cause you still get shitfaced)
wrestling is a real sport in highschools. the shit u watch on tv is just dispicible
I don't think there really is a worst sport since a lot of things people consider are sports are actually recreational activities. I'll just say that I'm not a fan of the spelling bee on ESPN
^ ROLF! i would love to see a spelling bee so i could makefun of the kid with a lisp
Lawn Bowling, hevent heard of it, well now you know why.
eape said:
^ ROLF! i would love to see a spelling bee so i could makefun of the kid with a lisp

I have a lisp.