WTB IG username


Wanna buy one of the following insta usernames:

If you do have any of these or know someone who has - contact me.

Looking for any other 2- or 3- character IG (better OG) for personal use.
Dont know what i would like, pm me with what you have.

Will use paypal.
High budget, ready to use trusted MM from FK.
RE: WTB specific IG usernames

Mk - banned?
M.k - banned?
Km - inactive

The last 3 you might be able to bargain with the OG users.
RE: WTB specific IG usernames

hellokarl said:
Is that 100% true?
OG - is that Instagram? Or am I missing something?
OG = original 
so og user is original user/owner who made it or got the instagram.
page not found. Its defo taken/banned.
RE: WTB specific IG usernames

Bananendealer said:
OG = original 
so og user is original user/owner who made it or got the instagram.
oh, i get it..thanks for clarifying this for me
Taking the opportunity, is there a way to verify if the user is really og?
How much are you paying for this mind me asking?
hellokarl said:
oh, i get it..thanks for clarifying this for me
Taking the opportunity, is there a way to verify if the user is really og?

I really don't know. But most of these igs that look like the users are genuine users who don't change names much are most likely the original person who took the name.
But names can be changed so others take it too but idk.

If you budget is high just check on the social mediums subforum and check out all the OGs that people sell