GOR said:Alright if you're interested hit me up
Not sure if you want a semi but I have GoodHabit
Well you are wrong on that part! There is 2 ways to spell it. Think I'm lying? Well go to dictionary.com and type in the word. It's a rare word. Thanks anyways!Control said:Not a semi seeing as it's spelt wrong. Difficulty not Diffuculty.
absmith28 said:Well you are wrong on that part! There is 2 ways to spell it. Think I'm lying? Well go to dictionary.com and type in the word. It's a rare word. Thanks anyways!
Control said:-_- http://gyazo.com/e3810225b6141f518a4db91177787bdf
@Mischief: You know if he has any semi's? Cause that's mainly what I'm looking for. My budget isn't high enough for a real OG.
Here is the website URL: www.thefreedictionary.com/_/dict.aspx?rd=1&word=Difficultly sorry I am on my phone can't take pics and upload.absmith28 said:Well first part, I spelt it wrong. Sorry about that. Second part look what it says, "diffi·cult'ly adv.
He did not expect her to write often, for he knew that letter-writing came difficultly to her; and he was quite content with the clumsy little note that arrived in reply to four of his." But Thank-You for proving me wrong. Ha