User is banned.
Hello, I am XBLPET. I'm here to buy some OG Gamertags. If you have any for sale, feel free to PM me.
Get the fuck out of here u undercover faggot u can at least get a new alias lol but if u have Kik I'll sell u some shit """"

Yo guys

@The Host
Get this op out of here lmfaoooo
nigga was really dumb enough to make his username XBLPET LOL
lmao this dude gets paid to do this yet still is stupid enough to make his username "XBLPET"
Maybe he a true homie who wants to buy some tags. Somebody should go through with a deal for a tag you don't care about. Maybe see they do.
Lmaoo I can't believe this actually happened hahaha.
Dude it's most likely a troll. I know someone who did that on HF lol
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