User is banned.
Hello, I am XBLPET. I'm here to buy some OG Gamertags. If you have any for sale, feel free to PM me.
Get the fuck out of here u undercover faggot u can at least get a new alias lol but if u have Kik I'll sell u some shit """"

Yo guys

@The Host
Get this op out of here lmfaoooo
nigga was really dumb enough to make his username XBLPET LOL
looool, what just happened...
Maybe he a true homie who wants to buy some tags. Somebody should go through with a deal for a tag you don't care about. Maybe see they do.
Lmaoo I can't believe this actually happened hahaha.
Dude it's most likely a troll. I know someone who did that on HF lol