Xbox account


I'm selling a Xbox live account that has a lot of Dlc and a couple of games on demand.. Pm me for more details.. It has a 50in h3 (dubs) and its first prestige in mw3.. The gamerscore is 332100 obviously not legit..has a fresh one month on has a lot of avatar clothing. I'm only excepting pp from trusted members and mp from others or I'll trade for a og or something..if its not worth it..plz dont be mean..I'm new to fk

The gamertag is Trmx ReMiX z
What is some of the DLC and games on demand?
Um where is your proof of the account? Post proof
You have to post proof on the games on demand and the DLC.
I will give you till later today to do this. If its not updated i will close this.
Few things.
1) Proof is mandatory. No big deal, I've made the same mistake. Use and sign into the account with , just take a screen shot of you signed in.
2) You won't get any sales without saying exactly what it has. Use to check what it has.
3) On a main, it is useful to include it's past, or at least say it's secure or something.