Xbox Live $10 Code Giveaway!

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Onyx user!
Gonna be giving away this $10 code to the 200th poster!​
It's a US code, not really sure if it'll work in other countries or not, if it doesn't work then you can just give it away to a friend of yours that lives in the US, or you can sell it.​
Feel free to post as many times as you want. :p
I know that might seem like it'll take awhile to get to the 200 posts, but hey free xbox currency that you can put towards a gt change or something like that haha.​


1. No spamming random stuff.​
2. No trash talking to other users.​
3. Enjoy the giveaway.​
Well I'll get this started for everyone appreciate the giveaway! :D
I'll be entering in this so how has everyone's day been going?
I see @Samus and already know that @Blue scamming ass will be on this shit in a heart beat!
Changed it to the 200th instead of 300th, good luck everyone.
Tequila said:
I see @Samus and already know that @Blue scamming ass will be on this shit in a heart beat!
lol the hell Am I going to buy with that supply drops
You really think this will even get to 200?
I'll join though homie
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a US account so lets fucking geddit boys imma win this

@rexy help me xxx
Might as well join, I have to renew my pornhub membership on the xbox anyway.
Can't spam random stuff, We can have a conversation though so we gucci @Spoilt
Rexy said:
Can't spam random stuff, We can have a conversation though so we gucci @Spoilt

we can, to be honest Rexdog I think you should upgrade me with some of those koins you fuckin druggo
i probably will son, but if i win this you can have it as i dont play xbox anymore tbh @spoilt
Rexy said:
i probably will son, but if i win this you can have it as i dont play xbox anymore tbh @spoilt

it's lit as fuck boyo I only want one game
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