So say you found a yahoo account or you happen to know of 1, for whatever reason that says its available to create right...
but for some reason you cannot create it. well im here with your solution.
If you ever find 1 saying its registratable and you cant create it when you try, it says unavailable to create on the registration page then GUESS WHAT?
I AM your man for 20$ no matter the name og or not, i wll get it registered for you.
example [email protected] is one of these none here can make it ,just to prove my method.
DONT misunderstand this for the your pw cant be reset online accounts. thats a diff exploit of mine...
This is a unique Service and ONLY offered by ME!
as i stated once again above. this is for the names showing Available to make and you cannot make them og or not...
accepting btc and or paypal. your choice...
ps. these names cant be done bc there server side locked
thats about the ones i can think of.... there admin locked so Noone will ever get them again.
ive since created [email protected] to show the 30 ppl that have saw, and checked this method to prove it can be done... hope all that saw this will vouch for it now.
but for some reason you cannot create it. well im here with your solution.
If you ever find 1 saying its registratable and you cant create it when you try, it says unavailable to create on the registration page then GUESS WHAT?
example [email protected] is one of these none here can make it ,just to prove my method.
DONT misunderstand this for the your pw cant be reset online accounts. thats a diff exploit of mine...
This is a unique Service and ONLY offered by ME!
as i stated once again above. this is for the names showing Available to make and you cannot make them og or not...
accepting btc and or paypal. your choice...
ps. these names cant be done bc there server side locked
thats about the ones i can think of.... there admin locked so Noone will ever get them again.
ive since created [email protected] to show the 30 ppl that have saw, and checked this method to prove it can be done... hope all that saw this will vouch for it now.