Yet another "very honest opinion" thread.

Astronaut said:
I didn't like that when I first came to FK, that you kind of made it my duty to supply Voodoo's userbars. I don't think we've really talked, but you're obviously extremely chill and active.
Wasn't me I was talking for Hitmarker. He said you needed to make it and to message you and I did.
I'm curious as to what you think of me.
I'd like to know what your very honest opinion of me is :)
Optimus said:
I'm curious as to what you think of me.
I don't even know what to say about you. I literally have nothing to say nor know anything about you. I know that you're active, high-quality, and don't give a shit what people think, but that's it.

EDIT: The "don't give a shit" in a good way.

Sweden said:
I'd like to know what your very honest opinion of me is :)
Hmmm... Sweden. You're a pretty chill user, and half the time when you feed me constructive criticism, I don't fully know where you're coming from or fully understand what you mean.
An out of this world opinion of me, por favour? ;)
Noscope said:
Lemme get one of these tbhs haha
Extremely chill user. You like FK so much that you actually made a temporary account to get your main back (most people would just say "f*ck it").

Spokesman said:
An out of this world opinion of me, por favour? ;)
You definitely need to spend more time around here, because I have nothing to say about you, for the time.
May I know your opinion on me?
I'm always curious as to what other people think about me. :p
Reptar said:
May I know your opinion on me?
I'm always curious as to what other people think about me. :p
You're one of the first, chill members I've talked to on the site. You're extremely generous when it comes to trades, as well.
MCG said:
I'd like to hear what you think of me.

Hope it's not bad. :p
This is going to be my most harsh opinion given yet. I haven't seen you around as much as other users and you seem like a quiet kind of guy. Then again, I know nothing about you.

Shot said:
Do me DO ME!
:) I think i know you..

edit- nvm i dont.
LOL at your edit. Yeah, we don't know each other. So I have nothing to say other than that you seem like a pretty chill guy at times.
What do you think about me beautiful?
Hidden‎ said:
What's your opinion on me man?

I don't like your avatar, at the moment. You seem to be like a chill guy, but I haven't conversed with you at all, so I can't say anything.

Apple said:
What do you think about me beautiful?
You, sir, are a very tempting [briber?], but you'll never catch me. You're as chill as Chill, also.

Syncronize said:
what do you think of me fellow fk member ?
Mr. Greedy Kik giveaway right here. LOL. All I have to say. ;)

Simple said:
I'd like one of these.. Hope to read mine soon. ;)
NIGGA BLUR! Let me take you out to brunch, Mr. ChillAsFuck.