Yet another "very honest opinion" thread.

Astronaut said:
I didn't like that when I first came to FK, that you kind of made it my duty to supply Voodoo's userbars. I don't think we've really talked, but you're obviously extremely chill and active.
Wasn't me I was talking for Hitmarker. He said you needed to make it and to message you and I did.
I'm curious as to what you think of me.
I'd like to know what your very honest opinion of me is
Optimus said:
I'm curious as to what you think of me.
I don't even know what to say about you. I literally have nothing to say nor know anything about you. I know that you're active, high-quality, and don't give a shit what people think, but that's it.

EDIT: The "don't give a shit" in a good way.

Sweden said:
I'd like to know what your very honest opinion of me is
Hmmm... Sweden. You're a pretty chill user, and half the time when you feed me constructive criticism, I don't fully know where you're coming from or fully understand what you mean.
An out of this world opinion of me, por favour?
Noscope said:
Lemme get one of these tbhs haha
Extremely chill user. You like FK so much that you actually made a temporary account to get your main back (most people would just say "f*ck it").

Spokesman said:
An out of this world opinion of me, por favour?
You definitely need to spend more time around here, because I have nothing to say about you, for the time.
May I know your opinion on me?
I'm always curious as to what other people think about me.
Reptar said:
May I know your opinion on me?
I'm always curious as to what other people think about me.
You're one of the first, chill members I've talked to on the site. You're extremely generous when it comes to trades, as well.
MCG said:
I'd like to hear what you think of me.

Hope it's not bad.
This is going to be my most harsh opinion given yet. I haven't seen you around as much as other users and you seem like a quiet kind of guy. Then again, I know nothing about you.

Shot said:
Do me DO ME!
I think i know you..

edit- nvm i dont.
LOL at your edit. Yeah, we don't know each other. So I have nothing to say other than that you seem like a pretty chill guy at times.
What do you think about me beautiful?
Hidden‎ said:
What's your opinion on me man?

I don't like your avatar, at the moment. You seem to be like a chill guy, but I haven't conversed with you at all, so I can't say anything.

Apple said:
What do you think about me beautiful?
You, sir, are a very tempting [briber?], but you'll never catch me. You're as chill as Chill, also.

Syncronize said:
what do you think of me fellow fk member ?
Mr. Greedy Kik giveaway right here. LOL. All I have to say.

Simple said:
I'd like one of these.. Hope to read mine soon.
NIGGA BLUR! Let me take you out to brunch, Mr. ChillAsFuck.
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