this is partially legit, a v1 gamertag did get reset but I dont think it was a mass reset as my friend ran a checker on some v1s and came up with nothing. Itachi explained to me what happened in pms. Basically his irl friend claimed a v1 tag that got reset out of pure luck (unless im mistaken and it is only the beginning of more resets to come). When you go its profile (the profile his friend claimed the tag on) it made clips 10 days ago and the account had a different gamertag at the time, which means he changed his gamertag to this reset gamertag within the last 10 days. When you search his old gamertag (the one he had during the time he made the clips) it brings up his profile with the og tag. Hope I cleared a few things up. I will ask itachi if its cool if I post the gamertag his friend claimed.