[Your Computer Brand]

Chevon said:
Evolution Zero said:
HP, I have a dv7t 17" with a 2.4 ghz core 2 duo and 4gb of RAM as well as a 512mb ATI Readeon HD.

nice hp are good computers I really like them.

If you actually know about computers ^^ ripper.
I have an Acer Extensa 5620 something or other. It has a webcam, 240 gigs (though in practice, it's only like 222) of storage, enough of everything else to forum browse, play lousy browser-based games, and type papers. Tbh, I don't care much about brands... 'cept I'll never buy a Mac (though my grandpa will probably get that for me for graduation if I can't convince my mum to let me go across the country), and having a Dell for 3 years (for a middle school laptop program; only Dells were accepted) proved that their customer service is complete shit.
I found out about Dell Customer Service a few months ago, it stopped me from investing in an Alienware, when I found my Asus Computer. Which in fact I love.

Any problems with your acer? And why don't you want a mac? Any reason other than 'they're so overrated but I've never used one.?'
I used them all the time when I was in high school. In fact, we only had 5 Windows-running computers in the whole school, and we had a few hundred desktops and laptops. I think the first computer I ever used was Apple, but it was ancient... I've been using computers since I could read, which I wanna say I was 2 or 3 when I could read fairly fluently, but I can't remember.

My issue with Macs: I absolutely cannot stand the interface. I hate the desktop. I hate the task bar. I hate how the command key is substituted for the control key and the control key is substituted for the right click. I hate the way they make the keyboards. I hate the way their mice (mouses?) feel. I hate the way all their touchpads feel. I hate the way they click. I hate the way they use a different encoder, and I've never found a way to install Windows programs on a Mac without getting the programs specially designed for a Mac, and most of the programs I'm interested in using are for Windows. The only good things about Macs are their resistance to viruses (which tbh, I've never had problems with- THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO "PLAY" WITH ME AND HACK INTO MY SYSTEM) and their super compatibility with iPods.

My Acer runs well. I just have problems with battery life and the power cords. I'm on my 3rd power cord (though to be fair, my second one was the wrong volt due to some mix up and I didn't notice it until after it died), and I can't leave it unplugged for more than 30 minutes, but I've had it for a couple years. It runs fast enough usually, but sometimes if I'm trying to download 3 things and install something while I'm uploading pictures, talking to Ryan, playing Robot Unicorn Attack, and adding up my Calories for the day, it'll lag for a second, and on rare cases Firefox will "stop responding" or just shut down.
With Acer you have to make sure you don't fuck up the power cords. I had an Aspire One and the battery jack 'detached' from the mother board causing me to send it back, and they didn't fix it.

At least you have reasons to dislike Macs. One thing that disgusts me is when people say they've never used it but they just straight up dislike it.

I, for one, am fine with the taskbar because I use Linux, so the taskbar (panel), is relatively the same. Though I don't use a dock. My keyboard has a similar layout, but not as soft feeling as Apple, which I dislike typing on, always error after error. My keys are spaced out though and I like that when playing games or something so I don't hit the wrong key.

Mac has more viruses than Linux system tbh :tongue:, Mac offers more compatibility with Windows-Like software, so viruses can be coded more easily. Linux, however, doesn't allow stuff like that so most infections are kept for research, so they don't usually pop up around.
I've never used Linux. I'd definitely be open to trying it, but I wouldn't know how to go about it. As I've never seen it at a store, I'm guessing it's not a system you can just walk into Best Buy and point at and purchase... I've never seen the system at all, tbh.

But I definitely agree about the Acer batteries and powercords failing. I bought mine because my mom makes me pay for my own stuff if it's not for school, and at the time I was under the legal age for working, so I had to get whatever the "best deal" was for the stuff I cared about (that being storage and a webcam for my boyfriend). It runs well for the price, and it's easy to fix issues

Though one thing- the first month I bought it, I decided to do something dumb. You know the lens thing on the disc reader they tell you not to touch? Well, yeah. Don't touch them. I... kinda ruined my disc drive. Whoopss.... It only works intermittently now xD
Never used the disc drive on my Acer, it was a USB in which you plugged in, in other words it was external.

If you're interested in trying out Linux, tell me. I'm gonna make a thread on how to install it I think, I just got a new USB from my dad so I can make it whenever now.
I'm interested in trying as long as I know I can still run my programs on it, and if I don't like it, I can get Windows back easily without having a disc drive.
What kind of Windows programs do you use? Linux doesn't support iTunes.
Ahh. I have to have iTunes for my iPod... (which is my other half btw... it's a 64 gig touch that I bought all on my own with money I earned on my own). I also use something called Paint.NET for all my image editing... and then there are the various messengers, Microsoft Office or OpenOffice... And I'm guessing Flash/Micromedia for internet use.
Well on Linux I use:

No iTunes

Anything else you'd need? :tongue:
I don't use iTunes for my iPod. I'm a l33t hecker yuh dig?

I have a dell laptop btw.
reyningsunshine said:
No iTunes? What's that? A special, non-iTunes iTunes program built for linux that is fully compatible?

I have windows 7. But my iPod is jailbroken, so when I hook it up to iTunes it removes my apps that I didn't really pay for.
Mute said:
reyningsunshine said:
No iTunes? What's that? A special, non-iTunes iTunes program built for linux that is fully compatible?

I have windows 7. But my iPod is jailbroken, so when I hook it up to iTunes it removes my apps that I didn't really pay for.

That doesn't happen to me. :confused: Maybe you shouldn't sync it to iTunes. Just push cancel when it tries to.
God said:
Mute said:
reyningsunshine said:
No iTunes? What's that? A special, non-iTunes iTunes program built for linux that is fully compatible?

I have windows 7. But my iPod is jailbroken, so when I hook it up to iTunes it removes my apps that I didn't really pay for.

That doesn't happen to me. :confused: Maybe you shouldn't sync it to iTunes. Just push cancel when it tries to.

Well itunes annoys the fuck out of me anyways.
Mute said:
reyningsunshine said:
No iTunes? What's that? A special, non-iTunes iTunes program built for linux that is fully compatible?

I have windows 7. But my iPod is jailbroken, so when I hook it up to iTunes it removes my apps that I didn't really pay for.

1. That was actually meant in reply to the other guy.
2. Maybe you shouldn't break the law then. I'm assuming tho you just pirate all the apps you need and go into the iPod's system to place them. Not too bad, but I actually like paying.
reyningsunshine said:
1. That was actually meant in reply to the other guy.
2. Maybe you shouldn't break the law then. I'm assuming tho you just pirate all the apps you need and go into the iPod's system to place them. Not too bad, but I actually like paying.

1. My bad?
2. It's not against the law anymore to own a jailbroken iPod. And some people don't have money to buy em.
Mute said:
reyningsunshine said:
1. That was actually meant in reply to the other guy.
2. Maybe you shouldn't break the law then. I'm assuming tho you just pirate all the apps you need and go into the iPod's system to place them. Not too bad, but I actually like paying.

1. My bad?
2. It's not against the law anymore to own a jailbroken iPod. And some people don't have money to buy em.

1. Just letting you know.
2. I meant pirating the apps.