Your very first gamertag?

@ThisguylovesGTA-xD aj_dragon_1 , lol dude
It was xeaglesx97, just like that lol. I'm an Eagles fan, that's why I made it. If only I knew of all the og's I could have made back in '09.
It was sooo long ago, I believe it was 'snipaaaa54'.
xxDOOMxz haha. I remember my first friend on xbox also. It was MCCOURT69. lawl. ;D
ii Sniperz ii

It looked like a good idea 5 years ago. :3
I think it was either 'At0m1c Numb 1c3' or 'I pWn3d U 2'.
I made those at a friend's house and just thought of a random name because I didn't think I would keep using either of those.
@Sanctuary At0m1c Numb 1c3 , too funny man
1967 said:
@Sanctuary At0m1c Numb 1c3 , too funny man

I was pretty oG back in the day.
My brother had an xbox in '02 and his gamertag was sign, mine was Rise Brunden.
It was something with Gamer then some numbers. :D

Yep. It's a joke that my family has :D
@Tman, lol the tag is a joke to look at too haha
My first GT ever was Ch33zwiz, I tried to see if I could claim it the other day just for teh lulz, but sadly it's been taken.
@MinecraftGeek, man what the hell is that? lol