Your weekend?


Power member.
How was your weekend people?

What did you do?

This is what i did (LARGE PICTURE):

Sprayed my little project car matte black.
Oh I thought you sat in a car the whole weekend untill I read the bottom lol. Looks good.
I just chilled and did some shopping for Christmas.
my weekend sucked ass. I did nothing I feel fat because well, I am fat.
Get some real rims next, or at least some hubcaps. ;P
I didn't do a whole lot. Skated Friday, nothing Saturday since it rained all day, and did a little shopping today. W00.
I just got an iPhone. Glad finals are over and I can chill
I do what I always do:

420 blaze it, wreck sum skrubs on PS3, get on my computer and go on forums, and jack off to pictures of Michelle Obama.
All I did was work, I don't mind it though.. Money's something that come's in a bit for me, but I never seem to have enough for what I need haha.

Your project is also looking pretty damn slick. Keep up the good work. :)
If you don't mind me asking, how much have you put into it, and do you have a picture of it before you've done anything to it?
Looks nice! Earnt $60, bought a Skype.. Chilled out basically. :p
nice doughnut wheels with hub caps.