You're banned

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RE: Your banned.

Banned for having no avatar and no signature
RE: Your banned.

Achoo has been banned by administrator Vipulcoolrule [Reason: Kick 5/5]
RE: Your banned.

you are banned because you didn't tell me the moderator log and Vipul knows it :'(
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for being sad
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for not having any avatar
RE: Your banned.

banned because we have passed 31 pages and now on 32nd page :p not on 16th
RE: Your banned.

your banned for thinking that the settings used by you will be used by all
RE: Your banned.

your banned for thinking that the settings used by you will be used by all

banned bcz u r not using setting which i am using :p
RE: Your banned.

Your banned for being an friendly admin. xD
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