You're banned

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RE: Your banned.

Your banned for confusing me, is it me?
Or did you just get demoted to mod, then promoted to admin, again?
You're banned - Junked by LMCampbell

banned for everything?
RE: Your banned.

You are banned because you will probably ban me back.
RE: Your banned.

your banned because you are to great for giving us this site
RE: Your banned.

Your banned because Jabba the Hut say "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!"
RE: Your banned.

Banned because you have 366 posts and 3 reputation and like

And have a cyan color nickname :p
RE: Your banned.

Banned for banning me with a ban hammer :)
RE: Your banned.

Banned for being online atm and for banning the grammer nazi
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