Search results

  1. Aware


    Still for sale. Let me see them offers! :)
  2. Aware


    Still for sale. Give me an offer
  3. Aware

    Dope 3 letter Kik(SOLD)

    RE: Dope 3 letter Kik(Added BIN) Added BIN. Remember, it's just a BIN so don't complain about the 250 BIN. Keep throwing me offers [hr] Now taking trades for this kik. HMU
  4. Aware


    I have a Soundcloud for sale. PM me if you're still looking for a soundcloud.
  5. Aware


    I am still selling this. Throw me some offers.
  6. Aware


    Someone throw me an offer on this.
  7. Aware

    Dope 3 letter Kik(SOLD)

    RE: Dope 3 letter Kik Still looking for offers. If I don't get a really good offer that I like, I might keep this.
  8. Aware


    I'm still selling this bad boy. :)
  9. Aware


    Photobucket: Determine C/O: BIN: ?? PayPal from trusted only. Gift card from everyone else.
  10. Aware

    IG Raged and Pad.

    Okay, @upset sent me the password. I gotta wait till I can reactivate the account. If it still doesn't work. go KYS @Upset but if it does work, I'm sorry and we can be friends again. Lol
  11. Aware

    IG Raged and Pad.

    I'll message you on kik my good friend.
  12. Aware


    You could've sold smoke for more. 85$ might be much but I recently got scammed so I'm trying to get some money back. Lol. They are worth more than before because you can't claim inactive soundclouds anymore
  13. Aware


    En*rgy I don't know if these need to be starred out but yeah.. lol C/O: 40 BIN: 75 The BIN might be high but it's because someone pulled back an IG from me which I paid 70$ for. Lol PayPal from trusted. Gift cards from everyone else. PS: You can't claim inactive soundclouds anymore
  14. Aware

    IG Raged and Pad.

    Well, upset is the only person who could've pulled back since he had og email. He said he turbod Raged onto a fresh. Lol
  15. Aware


    You were the only one with OG email. You said you turbod it onto a fresh account so you mustve knew the email to the account you turbod it to. But you should just close this shitty thread now. And I would try charging back the money from PayPal but your dumbass will probably say I scammed or...
  16. Aware


    First of all, I keep all my passwords on a text document on my computer and I have it saved on phone. Why would it say that I've been logged out and password was changed? But it's whatever. It's only 70$ anyways so I'm not stressing too much
  17. Aware


    Well, it's pretty hard to prove a pull back. All I have proof of is our deal, the screenshot saying that I've been logged out and password was changed, and a screenshot of you saying that you turbod the @
  18. Aware


    Don't worry @Emily, he'll get this account back in less than 24hours.
  19. Aware

    Dope 3 letter Kik(SOLD)

    RE: Dope 3 letter Kik Current offer is 120. Keep throwing me offers. No trades
  20. Aware

    Not Selling anymore

    You didn't even have this thread up for 24hrs and you already assume people are broke because you didn't get offers or many replies? Lol