Search results

  1. Clan name?

    idk do sosaucey cc beacuse thats a pro name :P
  2. Mike's and One's Dice Clan

    lmfao i cant wait till flower game = good bye [hr] tehre is alot of other dice clans out there.
  3. Looking for Clan Founders!

    that shit cra -so saucey
  4. Need a dicing clan.

    join win all day if u got 5b loeal
  5. Dicing disabled?

    lmfao jagex 0 dice clan 300 [hr] never gonna come backk lol :PPPPP
  6. Anyone seen/bought Shad's V5 guide?

    nah is it good i wnat to know
  7. Just bought...

    would beee nice if i could see the pic :PP
  8. What have you bought with loyalty points?

    i bougt emotes and i regret it 100% :P
  9. Loyalty Points

    do not buy emotes lol go for some crazy era
  10. Inflation... ?

    that is so fucking pro lmfao i would trooll hard
  11. Intergated HD Graphics 3000

    u can try and find out tell me if it works
  12. dragon pickaxe borrow

    i could do it mesage me back bra
  13. Rate my med level?

    thats cra cray -saucey
  14. Gold4fun recovery

    lmfao thats funny so they havee my adress well i never got a mail and i scammed them like 3 times
  15. new combat

    gonna suck :/ i dont want it to happen
  16. Will the Fish Mask become the new rare?

    lmfao it will be rare but maybe in like 10 years to get to a phat price thats maye
  17. iDungeonPro v15.0

    ohh shit i love u :PP
  18. Just got cleaned

    sucks bro :/ try and get more :P
  19. I GOT HACKED@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!

    ohh damn he chaught me