★★★[UPDATED] oG Gamecenter Gamertags (Think Apple's XBL) TRUSTED ★★★

RE: Complete oG Game Center GT's (Apple iOS APP) **UPDATED TO ADD A FEW TAGS**

Just wanted to update this because I sold 2 tags.
These are still for sale. Get them now, while apple is stil developing the gaming platform. These will go for 100-200 atleast someday. (soon)







SOLD: Hitman, Epic

If you really want a tag I most likely have it, just send me a PM but the ones I don't have posted are a bit more expensive do to the fact I don't want to sell to many of these at once.
RE: Complete oG Game Center GT's (Apple iOS APP) **UPDATED TO ADD A FEW TAGS**

How much for Chaos? interested.
RE: Complete oG Game Center GT's (Apple iOS APP) **UPDATED TO ADD A FEW TAGS**

Bump update to show sold items.
Very interested in some of these Ive messaged you on aim :)
Aim: AxL but im going to work right now ill be back later to sell maybe 1 or 2 more.
Famous, Gifted, Sick, Vision, Audio, Toxic, Clutch, ill

How much for either?
Can't think of an offer, sorry.
Still selling these hit me up!
kryptic said:
How much for Toxic? HMTFU!

I sent you a pm. Still for sale let me know if you are interested.
What is your aim? These are sick tags. I would like to hit you up.

Oh... nevermind, I thought these were xbox gamertags. I knew it was too good to be true. -__- :p
id suggest you hold on to these. They supposively will be worth way more in the future.
Still selling a few of these.
Let me know........