★★★[UPDATED] oG Gamecenter Gamertags (Think Apple's XBL) TRUSTED ★★★

very nice tags good luck with sales
purchased Assassin. Went first did the trade through pms since we're both pretty inactive. Thanks for the trade. Was smooth :)
How much for Original and Famous? Trade for some IGs and minus accounts maybe?
ShinY said:
How much for Toxic and Fear?

*Updated the list*
Just sold Fear. Pm me we can work something out with any others you may be interested in..
Bringing this shop back to life. Let me know if you are interested.
Pokey said:
I'll take Famous off you for $20, let me know.
Just let Famous go. Are you interested any others?
Let me know. Apple just acquired Kinect gaming like software company. It's a matter of time before they go into the gaming industry.
Depending on the price I am interested in a few.
What's the price on spit. I love that tag
Just sold toxic. Send me a pm if you are interested in buying a tag.
You could be right about the raise in popularity. So many have an iDevice it kind of already is that way.
The shop is open, get them while they last.