100M contest is here!

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Onyx user!
It's finally here, the contest you've all been waiting for.

To win, you must post a funny / cool / serious, or anything runescape related made by YOU.

First place:
+ 100M

Second Place:
+ 25M

Third Place:
+ 10M

  • No cheating.
  • All pictures must have "Runegear.net - 100M Competition!" in it.
  • Be creative! It doesn't matter if you're 3, or 138, creativity makes everything look good!
  • Have fun!

The contest ends Sunday, April 3rd, so get crackin!

(Need 2 more, mod or somebody trusted, please pm me)

If any mod / admin could move this to the "Announcements" section, I'd appreciate it. Me and The Elite already talked about it.​
I'm sure I can think of something. I do have something that is kind of old, but it is funny if I explained it. Would you accept it or it has to be recent.
*Reserved For Future Use*
So we can make a runescape related picture or take a screenshot?
Here's my epic picture, You jelly?
KukamongaKrackerKiller said:
He is acting as if he were black. Po-tat-tos. (nigga) lmao.

Oh I thought he was just failing at his grammer. Silly me :wideeyed:

My one my require some explanation, but it's actually really funny =P
In the UK, there is a program on TV called 'Top Gear' it's about cars etc. The presenter on this is called Jeremy Clarkson. His personality is very much the 'sleep in church' kind of attitude.
Find out more here.

Reserve a spot for me, and if you need a judge still, hit me up.
My picture has Meaning behind it
Creator of Runescape gods exposed I think based his character off of me


I always talked to the creator before Tehnoobshow was famous and He always laughed at me Saying I do the stupidest stuff and Im just a laugh to have around
His youtube Channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/TehNoobWorld

My character was Green haired and Looked really funny looking
And what do you know? There is a famous character that is Uber funny and Has Green Goku hair!

My picture is gunna be Me today in my favourite place With my character

I dont talk to him any more Since I had my CPU stolen before and I could not afford to buy a new one Then when I bought one I just did not message him any more
Idk I made new friends and I would think he did to and We just went our ways

I would think he made the Character after me I do not really know but I really think he did

No I am not giving out his email
No I am not giving out his Name
No I am not giving out where he lives

Im just getting back into RS since I bought a new mac
My PC got stolen Then I bought another pc and then I bought my mac so yea

Any number of GP would help greatly since Some would go to Merching the rest would go to my Herblore skill to get a 99

Thanks for reading and thats My picture
Good luck to others I hope you win to!
I can judge for you if you want as I don't participate In These kind of contests

I know exactly what you mean!
Thats a good one Thanks for posting it
I will reserve this spot for me.
And, in the OP, you say it's going to end "Thursday, April 1st". Well, it could either be Thursday, March 31st or Friday, April 1st .
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